Ulster Championship Senior Camogie Final
20th Jan 2022
St. Patrick's High School Keady Vs St Killian's College Garron Tower
As the Ulster final draws close, we would like to sincerely thank our local clubs who make a huge contribution to our school through their players. Having trained and coached them from they were young children, you can be proud of what they achieve as part of our school teams.
Our girls take to the field on Saturday representing themselves, their families, their school, their clubs and their county. Let's hope they bring the Ulster Championship home!
St Patrick's Keady
St Brenda’s Ballymacnab
St Mary's Granemore (Katie Doyle missing from picture)
St Mochua's Derrynoose (Sinead Quinn missing from picture)
St Joseph’s Madden
St Brigid's Armagh (Clodagh Richard's missing from picture)