Access Keys:

Saint Patrick's High School, Keady, Co Armagh

School Calendar 2024 2025

Free Office

We are delighted to announce that, on the basis of C2k’s licence agreement with Microsoft, in addition to all student users, all staff school users   have now been enabled and that they can download, free of charge, full copies of Microsoft Office for PC or Mac for use on up to 5 personal devices.

MS Office is  Available Free with your C2k Username on up to 5 personal devices

Get MS Office in 4 easy steps

1. Visit

2. Enter your C2k Username in the format

3. At the next box re-enter your C2k username as above and your password

4. Click Install Office to download the version of MS Office you require

Careers a parents guide

NI Direct - a guide for parents - how to help your child with future career plans


Area Youth Worker - Education Authority

14 to 25 years Online Survey link

9 to 13 years Online Survey Link

Parents & Guardians Online Survey

Youth Workers Online Survey

School Uniform 2023-2024


School Gateway App

School Gateway App - Download Now

How to activate your account

  1. Download the Android or iPhone app.

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  1. Press ‘Sign Up’ then enter the email and mobile number your school has on record. If you’re not sure if they have the right details, it’s best to check and update first.
  2. Press ‘Send PIN’. You will receive a text message with your unique PIN.
  3. You’re now ready to log in and start using School Gateway.
  4. If you don’t have a smartphone or prefer to use a computer, you can set up your account using the web version of School Gateway.
  5. See a video guide here

How to log in

  1. Once you have your PIN, go ahead and launch the School Gateway app on your smartphone or tablet.
  2. Enter the email you have registered with your school and the PIN you received. If you didn’t get a PIN, it is likely because your school doesn’t have the right contact info. Get in touch with them to check.
  3. If both the email and PIN are entered correctly, hit ‘Login’ and you’re ready to start engaging with your school.
  4. You can also access School Gateway on the web


Examination Guidelines